Renovations 2010 Onward
Since the first stand-alone snack bar stood on this site in 1949, each succeeding owner has added to or somehow changed the main building. The Kniffens added the first living quarters in the 1950's. The DeTurks expanded the front room, added two bedrooms and a large garage around 1965. When the Trumpet Vine came along in the late 1980's, they tweaked the layout again. Then later on as the Cafe , they reinstalled a kitchen, including a steel hood and fire suppression system, which put large holes in ceilings and walls. So now it's Ravenswood's turn. In 2010, we installed shelving over the remaining piping for the old kitchen and took down the hood system. We put in lovely clear glass french doors to make a spa retreat and worked through 2011 to repair and restore the main building, changing out many of the old, leaking and rotting windows. In 2012, we went into overdrive to make the place as energy efficient as possible, adding new front doors and windows to the front room. By year's end, we had changed the interior more than it has been in decades. Down came old partitions and hallway to the back bedrooms. Out came old flooring and windows- a whole new and much larger one in one room - and new wallboard everywhere. Painters, electricians, and carpenters, oh my! Time marched onward, SawzAll in hand. 2014 saw the biggest changes yet: D.E. Jacobs plowed a whole new doorway into the fourth room, changed out hideous counter-top for lovely new, and added new cabinetry, too, in Room 4. 2017 rumbled along, and we shifted the old kitchen island to form Small Batch Central. What will the future hold? Hint: SawzAll and sledgie make huge gaping holes and expand the shop one.last.time!!!
July, 2012
Repairs: New front door, replace 3 window in front room, replace flooring in grey room.