Welcome! You found us! Now wander up to Simsbury's outback to see the neatest little herb shop in Northern CT.
Discover New England's finest herbal & vitamin supplements, plus the best of the national brands. From teas to sip for pleasure or soothe jangled nerves, local honey, agave nectar, stevia, nourishing, delicious snacks and decadently healthy chocolates, we are your old-fashioned herb store nestled right in a woodland glade. Gardens under restoration or new design are always sprouting and evolving in out little Nearly-Two-Acre-Wood.
Science is our foundation; check out the Physician's Desk References for Herbs and Supplements, or any of the many reference books in our library. Coming soon is a page of links to research sites to help you decide which supplement or herb is right for you- or to verify that current trials support a particular blend.
Privacy Policy
We don't sell your information. Ever. What you tell us in confidence remains private. Your trust is treasured.
Green Mission Statement
Take only pictures. Leave only footprints. Don't break out the trail. What we learned in backcountry hiking applies to the shop. Leave as little trace as possible. We recycle and repurpose our cardboard boxes and packing materials. All electric lighting is CFL or LED. The HVAC is 96% efficient and not set on high in any season. We use pesticides rarely and only when absolutely necessary. We leave wild places for birds and other critters. Most of the boxes and packing materials are reused by online sellers, and we recycle as much as possible.
Discover New England's finest herbal & vitamin supplements, plus the best of the national brands. From teas to sip for pleasure or soothe jangled nerves, local honey, agave nectar, stevia, nourishing, delicious snacks and decadently healthy chocolates, we are your old-fashioned herb store nestled right in a woodland glade. Gardens under restoration or new design are always sprouting and evolving in out little Nearly-Two-Acre-Wood.
Science is our foundation; check out the Physician's Desk References for Herbs and Supplements, or any of the many reference books in our library. Coming soon is a page of links to research sites to help you decide which supplement or herb is right for you- or to verify that current trials support a particular blend.
Privacy Policy
We don't sell your information. Ever. What you tell us in confidence remains private. Your trust is treasured.
Green Mission Statement
Take only pictures. Leave only footprints. Don't break out the trail. What we learned in backcountry hiking applies to the shop. Leave as little trace as possible. We recycle and repurpose our cardboard boxes and packing materials. All electric lighting is CFL or LED. The HVAC is 96% efficient and not set on high in any season. We use pesticides rarely and only when absolutely necessary. We leave wild places for birds and other critters. Most of the boxes and packing materials are reused by online sellers, and we recycle as much as possible.